Beautiful roles to make the game of the comecocos

Making shapes with paper is stimulating for the little ones. Today I want to show you some beautiful papers to make the game of the kite. Are from Djeco, a French brand that I love specialized in paper and toys to make crafts with the kids.

At home we have them and we had a lot of fun playing the comecocos with my daughters. The origami technique, the art of Japanese origin of paper folding, or origami, has great pedagogical value. On the one hand, it helps to develop manual skills, but also to favor concentration and stimulate creativity.

Folding here and folding there you can create forms of objects and people, or as in this case, a "toy" with which to play.

Djeco's papers are very beautiful, and they have been created especially for geometric designs to indicate to children where they have to fold the paper to form the kite.

The kit is recommended for children from five years and includes 24 papers of six different designs and three sheets of stickers with actions or garments.

If you don't remember how to play, it's very simple. One player chooses a number from 1 to 10, which will be the number of times the other player will open and close the kite. The first one has to choose one of the faces of the kite that is open and represent the action behind the folding.

I hope you like it as much as I do and that you enjoy it with your children.

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