Dads and Moms Blogs (XCIX)

Today, as every week, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We start with Alejandradas, where Alejandra tells us that this week they have celebrated her child's birthday, with a “please come without gifts” message included. As usual, the guests at the party skipped the mother's request to the bullfighter, and that we are in the middle of gifts for other reasons. You can read it in Congratulations, my love, with dedicated song included.

In The stories of Papa Lobo This father wanted to say goodbye to the year with a lot of humor, explaining various laws of physics and popular sayings from the father's point of view. For example: "Everything that goes up has to fall ... except the toys that pass through your child's hands, which only fall“.

In Enjoying together, Rebbe explains her experiences while partying, having celebrated Santa Claus and telling us how her daughters have lived it. In addition, he tells us what his purposes are for this year.

In Little things, this mother tells us about her family's Christmas, with curiosities such as her son refusing to accept that Christmas day had already passed, because it did not snow, or know that he likes Christmas, not so much for the gifts received, but because of the family atmosphere that is created and the time he spends with mom.

In Motherhood, an adventureXiao tells us about his daughter adopted in a brief entry that contains a lot of message. A few days ago, before sleeping, her daughter told her when she was in China, before meeting her, she missed her a lot.

In Mom, pampering and moreMireia has given us her vision about family meals and schedules because she has realized that in most homes adults tend to put children to sleep and then have adults eat dinner. She (and a server) thinks it would be more logical to adapt the schedules so that family meals were for the whole family, leaving the children to sleep a little later.

In Sarai Llamas's blog, this mother brings us an entry in which she explains how some of the series and films of our childhood have been analyzed and now, because they are considered unethical, racist or inappropriate for today's children.

To finish, in MaternArt, this mother has written a beautiful entry dedicated to her son, to explain her particular Christmas Eve, which is none other than the night she gave birth. We can read how it was that night and we can read this mother's feelings this year. Very pretty.

I take this opportunity to remind you that if you have any Blog in which you talk about your children or things related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments for us to read and comment on.

Video: Roman Numerals 10-30 (May 2024).