Kitchen utensils for the little ones

We have talked several times about the importance of children participating in food preparation since they are young. You have to put them in the kitchen, let them experiment and get dirty, but always for sure. Therefore, it is a good idea to have Your own kitchen utensils.

The ones our classmates teach us kitchens Direct to the Palate are from the Swiss brand Kuhn Rikon, which has presented Kinderkitchen, a line of kitchen utensils for the little ones Very interesting because it is not about simple toys to play kitchens, but authentic kitchen accessories.

They offer various utensils for children to familiarize themselves with the world of cooking. There is a set of knives (adapted to children, of course), another pastry and another to prepare salads, although if you prefer all pieces are also sold separately.

Kinderkitchen products have been created for children and tested by children. We can find from measuring spoons, baking molds, funny dog ​​knives, a bird whisk and even duck scissors to cut vegetables, all with animal motifs or cheerful shapes to attract the attention of the little ones.

Having children participate in the kitchen is very beneficial for their development. Not only is preparing food, which is also highly recommended to establish a healthy relationship with food, but also develops motor and creative abilities and at the same time provides them with a great sense of pride.

Video: RE-MENT collection 2 - Kitchen Utensils Food replicas ASMR (July 2024).