Nestlé pots with pieces of glass inside

This news, like other similar ones, always leaves me with a huge sense of stupor, helplessness and the unease of needing more data that I fear we will never have. Today it was announced that in France the multinational Nestlé has withdrawn from the market a batch of pots made in Spain by the "eventual presence of pieces of glass".

Lot L 10980295 is not available in Spain and is 34,000 units of a product sold in France under the name "P'tit Pot recette banane" with the deadline for consumption in October 2012.

The decision of the withdrawal, made by "precautionary principles" was taken directly by the company and it was also they who made the communiqué public in France, noting that there is no danger in other products of the brand.

And yet, I have the scare in my body, what does the presence of glass pieces mean? How would they have arrived inside the children's food? Have these fragments really been detected once the product is on the market?

To the previous questions I have no answer, and the most worrisome thing is undoubtedly to think about what could have happened if a child swallowed them. The truth, although the withdrawal occurs in the neighboring country I find it very worrying that these things can happen and I hope that soon we can inform you of more explanations of the company about the way in which it has occurred and detected the pieces of glass in a batch marketed in France of Nestlé pots.