Beautiful knitted caps for newborns

There are only a few days of cold but I have not been able to resist teaching you these beautiful knitted caps for newborns. Don't tell me that babies don't look adorable with those hats?

They are hand-woven Beanie Designs models, one more beautiful than the other. There are hats with pompoms, with ears, with tassels, and even in the form of fruits like the little apple we see in the image above.

They are made of organic cotton thinking about the delicate skin of the little ones, to protect with style their little heads and ears from the cold.

You can buy them through the online store of Beanie Designs, which although it is American, make international shipments. You can also get inspired and make them yourself at home if you are good at the fabric. If not, at least enjoy these cute babies wearing these beautiful hats.

Video: How to Knit a newborn baby's hat for beginners (July 2024).