Dads and Moms Blogs (LVI)

One more week I have the pleasure of picking up and bringing you what I liked most in my reading of the Dads and moms blogs, always full of surprises, emotions and well developed ideas.

I start with Ileana Medina, our reader, and author of the blog We got boobs. In a society without breastfeeding, a society not weaned, we discover that the most consumed food is cow's milk and its derivatives, which, being mammals that do not biologically need the milk of other animals, is surprising and makes you think that this Excessive fondness for cow's milk or what is called vegetable milks, is perhaps a reflection of our early weaning.

Monica Felipe, from Maternal Group, tells us about the current evidence in Neuroscience and Learning and wonders if it will be possible for the educational system to adapt to these discoveries to achieve more humane and more effective teaching methods at the same time.

Be moms, the blog of Irene García, explains that children, above all, need arms, which are not made to spend hours in the crib, but to be hugging resting and also to discover the world, thereby improving their physical development and psychological.

Carolina Garcinuño, in her blog Mateo's mom, He has hit the spot with his reflection entitled Woman, who teaches you to be free ?, stating that it is by example and conscious upbringing that we can help our daughters to be who they wish to be, without external social impositions.

Erika Irusta, in Doula's soul, with that delicate and intense sensitivity that she transmits, she tells us in Sweet Seahorse, the enormous love for her nephew, and as well, this love teaches her to discover herself and connect with her fears, since she is the mother of a child who could not be born, but mother, without the slightest doubt. A love for this little boy who asks nothing but gives everything.

Louma Sader, in Maternal love, celebrates Women's Day explaining how much we have advanced in the achievement of our rights and how much remains to be advanced, because women's rights go beyond what it means to join a world designed for men, and it is necessary to reconquer our femininity and our differences.

If we look back and compare our rights as women, with those who had our great-grandmothers, I think we have come a long way, but we still have a long way to go. There is still a long way to go, so that there is true equity, and I say it with great sadness. There is a long way to celebrate femininity, everything that makes us unique as women, instead of trying to fit into the mold of patriarchal society, as if we were men.

Azucena Alfonsín, that intelligent Mother apprentice, I was excited when he talks about the complaining mom, well, although we all need some time alone from time to time and we want to be able to create our network with our friends, our children need us even if we are not fully animated and enjoy those moments is a gift that wonderful life offers us.

I finish with Maria Berrozpe, who knows that a child is always Re-educating mom, he tells us, adding to a blog carnival inspired by Louma, of “Maternal Love”, 10 things he has learned from his son, a true song to life and what he teaches us with motherhood: strength, tolerance, empathy and trust in the instincts of love.

Reading and following them gives me an incomparable feeling, that of belonging to a tribe that is in the network. Reading these dads and moms blogs makes me feel accompanied and part of a circle of mothers and fathers, I love it, really.

And I end with the always successful anonymous author of How not to be a drama mom, a blog that I follow, from which I learn a lot and that I read to my mom, an expert first-division drama mom. This time it reminds us of Don't go late to bed, something a night owl like me has never obeyed.

Next week we will repeat our review by Dads and moms blogs, picking up the articles that most excite us or that make us think more.

Video: GoPro: Lions - The New Endangered Species? (May 2024).