Candy Calories

The goodies contribute empty calories, because their nutritional contribution is practically nil. Although it should not be usual, its consumption is not something that should be prohibited to children, but to reduce it to special occasions.

From Vitónica they give us some information about candy calories, so that we have a notion of the caloric value of goodies, candies and chocolates. But in addition to the calories, it should be known that some provide a high content of sugars, such as candies, gum, jelly beans or candies, and in some cases fat in good quantity such as chocolates, buns and chocolate buns.

We offer you a list of goodies with the calories they contain per serving.

  • 1 chocolate filled bun = 200 Kcal
  • 1 chocolate donut bun = 250 Kcal
  • 1 chocolate bar with milk and almonds = 160 Kcal
  • 1 sugary gum = 20 Kcal
  • 1 candy = 15-20 calories
  • 1 tofee candy = 40 Kcal
  • 1 chocolate = 100-140 Kcal
  • 1 small package of jelly beans or confectionery = 160-200 Kcal
  • 1 chocolate girl = 70-85 Kcal
  • 1 lollipop = 40 Kcal

As we can see, the sweets that contain the most calories are the buns, especially if they have chocolate. Keep in mind that a chocolate donut for breakfast and another as a snack adds 500 calories to the child's diet, no less than a third of the average 1,500 calories recommended for a preschooler.

However, we must not neglect the consumption of other sweets that although they do not contain fats have a high sugar content and no nutritional value. If the consumption of sugars is excessive and the possible storage limits are exceeded, the excess glucose is transformed into fat in the adipose tissue, a situation that leads to childhood obesity.

The sweets are within the reach of children, sometimes more than we would like, and although it is not necessary to prohibit them, we can make their consumption occasional by making them understand that they are not a nutritious food and offer healthier alternatives.

Video: How Many Calories Are In Your Favorite Sweets? (July 2024).