Who do you think spends more time outdoors every day, a child or an inmate?

How many spots do your children bring from school each day? And how many of those spots have been made playing in the playground, at recess or in the street?

That's what it is about, the very short time children have to play abroad. Some children are known to spend less time abroad than the prison population, every day.

Prisoners spend at least two hours a day outdoors. Does your child too? because there are children, many children, who spend less time abroad than the prison population, every day, almost every day.

Yes, it's amazing right? We would have to do something about fathers, mothers and institutions, but what?

Beyond the video, beyond the announcement of a laundry detergent, beyond the testimonies expressed by the inmate population, we can keep that fact: prisoners, in some countries, spend more time outdoors than our own children.

Go outside

No, it's not easy. The work schedules of most fathers and mothers do not help to spend much time outdoors every day with our children but Nor is it logical to think that in jail they have more time to go out to the patio every day, to receive the heat of the sun or the scourge of the wind in the face Than our own children.

Our children's own schedules sometimes leave us little room for maneuver to go out to the park, to the countryside, to the street simply but we could look for a place in our free time.

On weekends, for example, we could try to reduce the stress due to the lack of nature that our children's generations are developing and that to a greater or lesser extent is affecting their health now and when they are adults.

Benefits of spending time outdoors

Doing activities abroad, as a family, is a perfect purpose to spend time together, to get to know each other better, to avoid possible problems, to share ideas and even worries, to surprise us with their way of thinking and to teach them ours.

It is not necessary to organize an extremely complicated plan there are a lot of options practically in front of our eyes but sometimes it is difficult for us to see them.

For example, do you have a terrace, a balcony or a small garden, and have you tried gardening with your children from time to time? Earth stains, take care of plants, cut, plant. Can you be part of the family routine once a month for example?

Just play in the street, in the nearest park. A ball, a ball, can be the perfect excuse to have a laugh together while giving us the air and the sun to all or else, we take out the bike to go buy the bread and take a slightly longer turn to make a Stop in the park, it is not so complicated to find excuses.

It is true that it is harder and harder for us to let them go outside to play alone, even in some cases we directly feel that we cannot do it but it is still necessary for them to leave the house, be outside, move, run and even learn to look far and not, no kidding, myopia is growing among children as it had not happened so far and there are doctors who think they should go outside to prevent it.

If they cannot go out alone because we do not consider it appropriate, it is up to us to find time, ideas and desire to go out with them that surely we are not bad at all.

I once read somewhere that There are not so many hyperactive children, there are too many hyperpassive parents. Maybe we could do something about it, don't you think?

Photos | iStockphoto
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Video: Inmates Spend Quality Time With Their Kids (July 2024).