Infant feeding is not an exclusive product of pharmacies

When buying a certain food product for our little one, we can choose between buying it at a pharmacy or any other establishment. Many mothers opt for the pharmacy because it inspires them with more confidence despite the fact that the product is the same in both establishments.

To all this we must also add the number of existing brands in the market and the price differences. The latter is usually found in supermarkets, we can find several products of the same type to find the one that best suits our needs, whether for quality or for economic reasons.

The same does not happen in pharmacies, although they give a guarantee of safety in the products they sell, thanks to a market restriction caused by a few brands, they make many products that are also good, are not in the pharmacy anymore They are excluded from this market. The consequence is that many mothers do not see these products in pharmacies and believe they are inferior, but this is not always the case. Infant feeding is not an exclusive product of pharmacies and it is not a monopoly that can be managed at the will of four companies.

We just have to access the link to realize about the manipulation of some companies to leave the rest out of the game and thus benefit them only. The prices of these brands vary with respect to others that may be equally of quality.

Another issue is that these brands also do not sell to certain establishments and from now on they have the obligation to sell the products in centers other than pharmacies, with which the exclusivity is canceled benefiting those who buy them.

Do not fool yourself, that a product is not in the pharmacy does not imply that it is of lower quality, the movements of large companies are very varied to try to monopolize the market and the consequence is for us that we have to pay higher prices.

Video: Why Silicon Valley Is Eyeing The Infant Formula Industry (July 2024).