Restless legs syndrome may come back after delivery

He Restless legs syndrome It is characterized by a discomfort in the legs when sleeping that causes a need to move them for relief. It is a nuisance of the last trimester of pregnancy quite frequent that may reappear after delivery.

You feel disgust, tightness, pain, burning or cold, unpleasant sensations that force you to constantly change your position affecting the rest of the pregnant woman.

For the concern of pregnant women who suffer or have suffered, an investigation into this disorder has just revealed that a quarter of women who have developed symptoms in pregnancy, have them again after giving birth.

They rub their legs with each other, with their hands, they shake, they turn in bed, they walk to try to alleviate the discomfort ...

The nature of this common discomfort in pregnant women, probably circulatory, is unknown, but what is known is that restless legs syndrome is one of the most frequent causes of insomnia in people over 45 years.

Stress, caffeine and iron deficiency aggravate the condition. That is why it is recommended to exercise, rest, avoid caffeine and bring adequate food to keep it at bay, but the truth is that there is still no effective treatment to combat it.

It should be prevented as in women who have suffered during pregnancy restless legs syndrome may come back years later.