Liver transplant to a pregnant woman

Although this operation has already been carried out, the news of a liver transplant to a pregnant woman in the fifth month of gestation.

It is the first time that this intervention has been carried out in Argentina and it has been a success. Mother developed a hepatitis so fulminating that he would end his life if the transplant was not performed. And it was done. And both, mother and daughter, survived the operation. The girl would be born by caesarean section a month later and is, within prematurity and its 850 grams, in good condition.

When reading the news, I was thrilled as the mother recounts as very important to her that "the medical team always behaved well. They gave me containment and good treatment." For a sick person receiving sensitive attention can be decisive, since emotional well-being affects the ability to recover. For a mother with a premature baby, it is also indispensable.

Exciting is the memory that this mother has for the one who allowed her and her daughter to live: "I don't know who she was, but I want to send all my thanks because they have allowed me to live again and have my daughter. I know that, for them, it has been painful to lose that person. " Donation saves lives.

This liver transplant to a pregnant woman It has allowed two lives to continue thanks to the generosity of a family that has lost a loved one but has been able to give life since death.

Video: Liver Transplant: The precious gift of life (July 2024).