Professional home care after delivery

In some European countries such as Holland, France and the United Kingdom it is common, but in Spain the service of professional home care after delivery.

At the moment, there are two companies that offer it: Maternitas, Madrid and Natalis, viguesa. Both are in charge of advising the women who have just given birth during the first days at home with the baby.

Many recent moms, especially first-time mothers or mothers who have had twins, feel disoriented and confused about the baby's first care. In these cases, the professional help of midwives or pediatric nurses reassures them and gives them security to face their new role.

They answer your questions, teach them to bathe the baby, to change it, advise them about breastfeeding and any other concerns that may arise. In addition, they take care of the mother's care in the first days after hospital discharge, and of course, also to guide the father, who they say is sometimes the most baffled.

The interesting thing is that in addition to postpartum care assistance, they provide emotional support during those special days for women who have just become mothers.

Visits are approximately three hours a day at the family home, and they last for three, five or seven days, depending on what each client prefers. Service postpartum home care Round 500 euros.

It is a new concept that begins to be introduced in Spain with the idea of ​​facilitating the adaptation of the family to its new situation. What do you think? Do you find it useful? Would you hire it?