The extension of maternity leave to 20 weeks, closer

Today we bring good news that we hope will be fulfilled. The European Parliament approves extending the minimum maternity leave to 20 weeks, with the total salary, in the European Union.

The approval in the Eurocamara has been by very little difference of votes, which can be explained both by the low importance given to these issues in our society and by the weight of the economic crisis that makes a risk to the coffers state in these measures.

The duration of maternity leave is currently set at 14 weeks in the EU (16 weeks in Spain), so in the event that the proposal goes ahead there will be many countries and people benefited.

For the rule to be approved definitively an agreement between the Eurocamara and the Twenty-seven is necessary, something that will be difficult since some countries were even opposed to the extension to 18 weeks. Hopefully pessimistic forecasts are not met.

We can say that lately we have had one of lime and another of sand, because a few days ago we knew that the paternity leave would not be extended to four weeks. On the other hand, in the event that this news ends up being approved, it will be a great step for moms and a great benefit for babies and society in general.

Of course we have a lot left to reach the casualties of other countries, but in any case we can consider that the extension of maternity leave to 20 weeks is closer and it is a small step towards future extensions, at least the recommended six months of exclusive breastfeeding.

Video: The Second Trimester of Pregnancy Weight Gain and Other Changes (July 2024).