Ten things you want your children to learn

A friend recently proposed a very interesting reflection and I can't resist sharing with you my ideas about it. It's about making a list with the 10 things we want our children to have learned when they reach the age of majority and for which, without a doubt, you have to start working from early childhood.

The education we give our children will prepare them to live happier and wisely, being responsible to the world around them and giving meaning and usefulness to their lives.

Therefore, in addition to the usual school content, I think there are things that we must help them to learn, counting, of course, with their tastes and respecting them, but laying the foundations of a global development of the person.

And for this we must start soon, have clear ideas about what matters and dedicate time and effort to it. Possibly for each family the priorities will be different. These are mine.

  1. Be a freethinker, that is, being able to analyze the information critically and act independently of the majority opinions.
  2. Be able to express yourself in writing and verbally perfectly. Whatever we do in life, expressing ourselves with correction is very important, both for work and for relational aspects. Our emotions and thoughts we want to communicate to others, so knowing and caring for language is an indispensable instrument.
  3. Have a broad culture that allows him to understand for himself the world and its surroundings. Many of the information and data that will come to us in life require, in addition to the simple opening of channels, an internal process of interpretation. Without knowledge we are slaves to lies and deceptions. That is why I believe that getting knowledge of all subjects, in a critical and varied way, is essential to be a free person.
  4. Trust yourself, respect, know and love each other. Self-esteem and self-knowledge, providing theoretical and practical instruments, through experience and study, to face difficulties, I think they are essential for a person to develop their abilities and achieve their dreams.
  5. Know how to respect to others, even if they don't think like him, treating them with empathy and resolving conflicts peacefully. Violence, poorly understood competitiveness, the contempt of the other lead to lack of communication and oppression. Being able to consciously differentiate our desires and ideas from the legitimate rights of others to express themselves and be freely is a very important part of an education for peace.
  6. Swim. It may surprise the priority that I consider, but, unless we are sure that it will never be necessary, it seems to me an important measure to be able to save your own life and that of others for things that I have lived when I was a lifeguard.
  7. Be a good "housewife", that is, cooking, taking care of a house and the children you have.
  8. Know how to make a living, that is, have knowledge to choose or practice a profession that you like and allow you to live as independently as possible. I don't care what it is, or potter, or farmer, or graphic designer, or fat brush painter, or electrician, or physiotherapist, doctor, actor, architect, engineer, writer, broadcaster ...
  9. Take care of your health: Know about nutrition, basic medicine and natural remedies, in addition to being able to attend a delivery if necessary and do first aid.
  10. Have practical manual skills: grow food as well as know how to fix and make things with your hands. I cannot know how the world will evolve, but to survive it will never be enough to make you a cabin, make a bonfire or get to feed on the fruits of your own work.

In addition to these ten things that, in my experience and ideas, I consider important to teach you, there are many other things we do: music, painting, computer science, horse riding, languages ​​... but they are complementary to these concepts and skills that I consider essential to provide the basis For a free, happy and useful life.

I am sure that you will have different lists than I do and I would love to invite you to share them with the Babies community and more, because I think it is very positive to learn from others. Even if your children are small, home schooling starts from early childhood and you have to be clear. What ten things do you want your children to learn?

Video: 10 Things Parents Should Never Do for Their Kids (May 2024).