Sweetened soda may cause premature delivery

Pregnant women should hydrate well and drink often, but you have to choose healthy drinks. The usual consumption of carbonated soft drinks and artificial sweeteners could be harmful during pregnancy because of the possibility of premature delivery.

This follows from a study conducted by the Statens Serum Institute of Denmark, and as a precaution the Danish Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology has recommended that pregnant women abstain or at least reduce the consumption of these drinks until conclusive results are achieved.

This risk of premature delivery adds to other harmful effects such as those derived from excess sugar such as obesity, hypertension ...

The study has been published in "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition," and concludes that pregnant women who drink a liter of soft drinks a day had a up to 78% higher risk of giving birth prematurely.

These conclusions were reached after analyzing the data of almost 60,000 pregnant women in Denmark, although further research is expected to deepen the effects of soda.

Either way, we are talking about excessive consumption of this type of drinks, as in all moderation and common sense should make us see that taking a liter a day of these soft drinks should not be too good ...

Video: Diet Soda and Preterm Birth (July 2024).