Ten tips for babies in summer

Just as we have given advice for the pregnant woman in summer, we want to take care of the little ones today, who also require special care at this time of year. That's why we gather in these ten tips for babies in summer those things that you should keep in mind in the summer months.

1) Keep the baby hydrated

Babies are more vulnerable to dehydration than adults since the proportion of water in their body is higher and their balance is weaker. Excessive loss of fluids can have serious consequences for your body, which is why you have to be especially careful in summer.

If you are breastfeeding you do not need to give it water, but it is advisable to increase the frequency of the shots. If you drink a bottle, you should offer mineral water to reinforce the intakes. Other recommendations to follow are: keep your skin hydrated, dress it with cool clothes, cover your head, do not expose it to the sun during the central hours of the day and offer fresh food, such as refreshing summer fruits.

2) Enjoy the outdoor games

The game is the essence of childhood, and if it is outdoors, in addition to learning, developing and entertaining, they enjoy all that nature has to offer them. The beach, the pool, the park, the mountain are the best spaces for children's outdoor play.

The good weather offered by the summer favors moments of recreation and fun. Apart, always with caution, exposure to the sun is an excellent source of vitamin D, which promotes calcium absorption and improves bone health for children.

3) Extreme safety precautions

Whenever there is water and children, every precaution is little. The risk of drowning in summer is very high. It is not to scare anyone, but in summer you have to exercise safety precautions in swimming pools and at sea.

Babies should not be left unattended for a second, if you go to the beach or to places with many people it is convenient to put a safety bracelet with the parents' phone number. It is also important to consider the risks of sleeves, floats and other inflatable toys.

4) Make routines more flexible

Summer, especially summer vacations, is the ideal time to rest with the family and forget about schedules and routines. If we are more flexible, both in this and with respect to the wishes of the baby, the holidays will be enjoyed by everyone equally. That nothing happens because one day the baby does not take a bath or does not take a nap at the time he usually does.

5) Protect it from the sun

The baby's skin is extremely sensitive to solar radiation. It is essential to protect it from the sun with hats, sunglasses to avoid eye problems, breathable clothing and of course, cream with sun protection factor. The photoprotector most suitable for your skin type should be used, with the protection recommended for babies not less than SPF 20 and ideally 40 or 50.

As important as choosing the most appropriate sunscreen is to apply the sunscreen correctly to the baby, always 30 minutes before sun exposure and avoiding the most direct sun hours.

6) Good food

It is likely that during the summer season the child has less appetite or eats less than usual. As happens to adults, the heat does not make us feel like big eaters. Being well fed does not mean feeding a lot, but properly. Do not worry if you do not eat first course, main course and dessert. They can be supplanted by eating more times a day and of course, drinking a lot of liquid.

You have to respect the baby if you want to eat less, but it is important to maintain a varied diet, rich in fruits, vegetables and cereals that will help keep you hydrated and energized. Take advantage of seasonal fruits to prepare juices or smoothies and exchange copious meals for more fruity ones.

If the baby is less than six months old and the complementary feeding has not yet been introduced, as we have said above, breastfeeding should be more frequent and those of bottles reinforced with mineral water.

7) Avoid food poisoning

In summer the chances of suffering food poisoning increase as bacteria proliferate with heat. Therefore, care must be taken that food does not lose the cold chain and extreme precautions in transporting and storing baby food.

It is not convenient to take the baby's food to the beach or the pool if it is not in a cold conservator. You have to increase hygiene measures when preparing them, as well as choose always fresh foods and wash them very well.

8) Avoid a heat stroke

Babies are more likely to suffer a heat stroke because their body regulation mechanism is still immature. Heat stroke is the consequence of exposure to very high temperatures and needs urgent attention to try to lower body temperature, in addition to medical treatment.

To avoid this, the baby must be protected from direct sunlight, always cover his head with a cap, avoid the hottest hours of the day, stay in a cool place, drink water and eat fresh food. And of course, never leave the baby in the car in full sun.

9) Prevent an otitis

Summer is the right time for the child to suffer a "pool" otitis, so called because moisture and heat are the breeding ground for inflammation in the outer ear canal caused by fungi and bacteria.

To avoid it, we must remember some simple measures such as drying the ears well after bathing in the pool or at sea and keeping them always clean and dry. If necessary, because the baby is very prone to otitis, wax plugs can be placed to protect the ears from water.

10) Spend time

Finally, a tip for parents. Enjoy your babies and let them enjoy you. Usually, the frenetic pace of daily life drops in summer and families usually take a few days on vacation. Whether you are lucky enough to take a trip or not, take full advantage of the good conditions that summer offers to spend quality time with your children and recover the time lost throughout the year.

Video: Summer Safety Tips for Your Baby. Parents (July 2024).