Dads and moms blogs (XV)

One more week I love being able to share with my readers my visits to the moms and dads blogs They have become a reference for my motherhood for different reasons.

Mari Cruz, from Sweet Fruit Macedonia, tells us a touching experience. The mothers of young children think about what we will miss if we cannot take our little ones when they grow up, but Mari Cruz teaches us that life always surprises us with unexpected gifts, and tells us how beautiful it is that her son Pablo, a teenager already took her in his arms tenderly.

He also shares with us the experience of an interview that they have recently conducted for La Tribuna, where they have explained their experience of schooling at home, which they carry out with their two children, the oldest of 14 and the youngest of 6.

And I will continue, precisely in the Week for a Respected Birth, highlighting the entry that Lorién, from ZGZ Pro Natural Birth, in which he tells us about his attendance at a talk recently by the Association of Midwives of Aragon with the title "The experiences of the baby in the womb and the impact of being born" and I highlight something he says and I fully share:

Separating the mother from her child without understanding the circumstances of a birth is pure violence, whether conscious or not.

I also bring you Miriam's blog again, Parenting and Trust which increasingly amazes me with its capacity for reflection and the richness of the topics it proposes, because I share its concepts in the idea of ​​respectful upbringing.

He has told us about something I always have in my mind, the need to become a better mother to live up to my son and the way in which to handle the guilt that my mistakes make me feel.

It also tells us about an issue that unfortunately is repeated year after year, the danger of animals, especially dogs of potentially aggressive breeds, and the terrible consequence that can be neglected if we leave a baby or a child near them without them. necessary security conditions since an attack can be deadly.

It also tells us about the anguish of separation, that feeling that not only babies suffer, but also mothers feel it and it is something completely normal, because in reality nature has not made us to separate ourselves from younger children.

Malena and Azu, from Casseroles and Hugs They make us a fun proposal, Toileteschooling, which consists of leaving a good amount of books and magazines in the bathroom and even putting a map on the wall so that adults and children use that little time to expand their knowledge.

At Baul de Mon We can enjoy new stories, and I want to highlight the one entitled "My place", in which he tells us his deepest feelings celebrating Mother's Day with them.

In Teach fishing, Lau makes us partakers of the adventures and experiences of his daily life with his son, explaining how they felt when they saw an owl or the beautiful castle of manual works they have done.

In Lau's other blog, Tarkuskids An interesting interview is published to the psychologist Rosa Jové, author of works such as "Sleeping without tears" and "Happy parenting".

I hope, as always, that the selection of moms and dads blogs What we offer you this week is interesting and we will continue visiting the pages of fathers and mothers who share their experiences on the web.

Video: Mom and dad get married!!!!!! (July 2024).