What happened the day your baby was born: gift for a newborn

The day your baby is born is marked in the memory of any mother and father, however, as time goes by you remember the date and everything related to childbirth, forgetting, logically, everything that happened in the world while waiting for the arrival of your son.

To avoid this and as a curious memory of that date La Vanguardia offers the possibility of creating a magazine or book in A4 or A3 sizes with a copy of the copy of the day your child was born. So you can always know at what time in history you had your son and, what is even more beautiful and exciting, your child can read when the newspaper that was published the day he was born is older.

As I said, the copy of the newspaper that will tell us what happened the day our baby was born It can be ordered in both A4 and A3 sizes, and within these sizes we can choose different styles, from a magazine-type binding, to a hardcover book with a leather simile, through a hardcover whose cover is none other than the cover from The vanguard of the chosen day.

Prices vary according to the option we choose (both in size and color) and according to the number of pages contained in the newspaper, ranging from 29 euros for the cheapest option to 92.80 euros when we talk about A4 size and from 55.70 euros to 153.10 euros in A3 size copies.

Personally it is a gift that I love. Being able to read news of the day one of my children was born, or even of the day I was born, is something very curious for me and my children when they are able to read the news it contains.

The only fact that can take a little back is money, since it is not cheap. The probably most used formats, the A4, can cost a little less than 100 euros if we choose the option of printing in color and the hard cover in black and white can cost about 60 euros.

Video: Normal Vaginal Childbirth (July 2024).