Traveling as a family brings great benefits to children, and also improves their school performance

When we have children, there are many fun activities we can do as a family, such as organizing a mini marathon of movies, having an afternoon of board games or preparing a dinner at home with everyone's help. But without any doubt One of the most memorable activities we can do as a family is to travel.

In addition to helping us get out of the routine and spend more time together, going on a family trip brings great benefits to children and according to recent research, it also improves their school performance.

The benefits of traveling as a family

In Babies and more We love to share tips and recommendations in order to help parents and children. Some of them are focused on giving ideas and talking about good family moments, among which are the trips that are usually made during the holidays.

But in addition to sharing information that we believe may be useful, we have also talked on previous occasions about the benefits that children (and the whole family) get when traveling, either outside or inside the country.

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On the one hand, when we travel as a family during the holidays we are presented with a great opportunity to spend more time together doing different activities, which It helps strengthen the ties between parents and children.

And on the other hand, by visiting a new place together, we give space to have new experiences, to explore, develop your imagination and also, to create new memories that will be carried forever in the heart. We have even commented on previous occasions that children value family trips very much, not only while they are traveling, but for a long time, remembering those good times together.

But in addition to all these benefits, recent research has revealed that traveling, both in family and on school trips, helps children and adolescents develop certain skills and characteristics that help them have a better school performance. We tell you why.

The investigation

Conducted by the Student and Youth Travel Association (SYTA), a survey was conducted in which 1,500 teachers participated, teaching classes to students from 10 to 18 years old in schools in the United States.

In the results, it was found that 74% of teachers had noticed that traveling had a very positive impact on students' personal development, while 56% of them thought that such impact could be extended in their education and future professional career.

Most teachers agreed that children who traveled and knew cultures other than their own, they were more tolerant and respectful, and presented a greater willingness to learn and try new things.

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But besides helping to interact better with other people, such as classmates, traveling also helped them in a personal way. According to them, Children who travel more tend to have greater independence, self-esteem and self-confidence. Also, children who travel more used to be more outgoing or open in general.

You probably think that these benefits are only obtained by traveling to distant countries or where there are different cultures, but according to the report, traveling within the same country or to nearby cities where some things change a bit, you can also bring them.

In general, traveling is something that helps enrich children and adults culturally and personally, and when we do it with our family, we can even learn together, while enjoying new and different experiences with our children.

Photos | iStock
Via | Parents

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