The deadline to renew the electric bond and benefit from the thermal bond ends on December 31, and large families can request it

On December 31, the deadline to request the extension of the social electricity assistance bond ends for all those people who were already beneficiaries before October 7, 2017. Among them, large families without income restrictions and families with few resources.

In addition, those who have this bonus They will also benefit from direct support for heating and hot water.

You are still in time to complete the procedures before Monday, if you do not want to lose it. Find out if you are entitled, what benefits you and what procedures you have to do.

Requirements to access the social bonus

To access the social bond or discount on the electricity bill, it is essential that our electricity rate is covered by the Voluntary Price for the Small Consumer (PVPC), as explained by the Community of Madrid and which is valid for all of Spain.

If it is not renewed, it is lost the right, as established by Royal Decree 8/10/2017, which regulates the new conditions of the Social Bonus of the light that implies discounts on the consumption of light from 25% to 50% and that will be applied depending on the income and The family situation.

They will have a 25% discount:

  • People without children with annual income of less than 11,300 euros.

  • Families with two children and annual income of less than 19,000 euros.

  • Large families regardless of the number of children.

They will have a 40% discount:

  • Disabled, victims of sexist violence or terrorism

  • People without children with annual income of less than 7,000 euros.

  • Families with two children and annual income of less than 9,000 euros.

  • Large families with annual income of less than 15,000 euros.

They will have a 50% discount:

  • People who receive help from social services

Not the entire invoice has discounts

The discount does not apply to all energy consumed, but the Government has established spending caps. The consumption that exceeds that limit no longer has any discount. The Royal Urgent Decree approved in October, on urgent measures for energy transition and consumer protection, increased the amounts by 15 percent. Now:

  • Family unit without minors: 1,380 kw / h

  • Family unit with minor child: 1,932 Kw / h

  • Family unit with two minor children: 2,346 kWh

  • Large families: 4,140 kw / h

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How does the social bond work?

  • The discount will be applied from the day the application is received.

  • The cap is divided by the number of days billed, so a large family would only receive a discount of 345 kilowatts per month. But if one month does not reach that limit, the energy not consumed is entitled to a discount in the following months. That is, the energy expenditure is extended between 12 months of the year.

  • The bond will last two years if the requirements are maintained. In case of expiration, the electricity company has to communicate its expiration to the consumer at least fifteen days before so that it can renew it for two more years and so on.

  • For large families, it will be active as long as the official title of the Community that recognizes it remains in force.

How is it processed?

The families that have already renewed or requested the social bond of the light after October 2017 will not have to carry out any procedure.

They must be renewed by those who have granted it before this date or those who request it for the first time (the latter without a time limit).

The application for the social bond must be made according to the model established in the regulations and may be made by contacting the electricity company:

  • By phone, through the number available on their website. This number will also be published on the website of the National Commission for Markets and Competition.

  • In their offices, giving the consumer supporting document of the request.

  • By fax, postal mail or through the email address provided on your website and on your invoice. You must send confirmation of the receipt of the email.

  • Through its website.

The application must be accompanied by the relevant supporting documentation:

  • Photocopy of the ID.

  • Family Book.

  • Valid title of large family, if applicable.

  • Certificate or accrediting document issued by the social services of its Autonomous Community, in case of belonging to any of the circumstances of special circumstances (disability, social assistance ...).

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How does the social thermal bond work?

Royal Decree-Law 15/2018, of October 5 'on urgent measures for energy transition and consumer protection', also established a social thermal bonus to contribute to the cost of heating and hot water.

The new thermal social bond is a direct aid charged to the General State Budgets, with the aim of alleviating the energy bill destined to heating, domestic hot water or cooking.

The Ministry for Ecological Transition makes this clear in a statement:

"After this date (December 31), consumers will be able to continue applying for the electric social bond at any time (if it is the first time they do so), but they will no longer have access to the thermal bond - contemplated as an urgent aid for this winter included in Royal Decree-Law 15 / 2018- and must wait for the new measures that the National Strategy against Energy Poverty defines for these purposes. "

All people who already have the social bond of electricity or who have requested it by sending the necessary documentation and meet the conditions, without the need to carry out extra paperwork, will benefit from the thermal social bond.

Among them, all large families, because income requirements are not established.

The aid will be paid by means of a single annual payment that will be paid in the first quarter of the year, as a direct check that the Ministry for the Ecological Transition will reach the beneficiary families.

The amount to be paid will depend on the degree of vulnerability of the consumer and the climatic zone to which the dwelling belongs. At a minimum, each beneficiary will receive 25 euros.

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