A Halloween pumpkin

My son loves Halloween and is looking forward to it. One of the activities we do every year is to prepare our own Halloween pumpkin.

The children really enjoy the preparations and, although it is a bit laborious, it is worth the effect and allows us to spend a very pleasant afternoon. I will explain how we do it and surely many of you sign up.

We will start buying an appropriate pumpkin, which has a good color and the size we prefer, although it is simpler if it is not the largest. You have to open the top of the pumpkin, cutting it with a saw knife. Then you have to empty it carefully, removing all the meat with a sturdy spoon and a knife if it is hard.

We will have prepared the design of the face, with triangular eyes, nose and mouth, to which I usually put the drawing of pointed teeth. Normally we test it first on paper and then, with a black marker, we paint the features. Once that is done, you have to cut the holes with a knife. You have to do it carefully, slowly, so that the knife does not slip and we cut too much.

Once finished we put a candle inside, which illuminates it and, in the dark, I assure you that the effect is extraordinary.

When I was a child, Halloween was not celebrated. In American films, children appeared asking for candies and the typical decoration, between festive and terrifying. The truth is that I always found it fun. Then, when in Spain began to be adopted at the beginning I was shocked but I accepted it and enjoyed it very much.

Surely your children love to prepare with you this Halloween pumpkin. I can no longer wait.

Video: DIY halloween pumpkin carving tutorial (July 2024).