Home education and access to the degree

The parents who consider the Homeschooling They are a minority. But for those who think about it, there are great doubts that concern them and do not find an adequate response in the environment. One of the first questions we ask ourselves is: these children access the academic degree?

The Homeschooling In Spain it is a great unknown and is not legally recognized, so the doubts are logically greater. Both for them and for readers who may be interested in the matter, even if they do not personally raise it, I will analyze the possible issues that may arise from greater concerns and questions.

This, the access to the degree, which may seem the most complicated has multiple possible solutions.

As long as the child is not 16 years old, he can return to the approved face-to-face education, accessing the course corresponding to his age. Thus, at age 15, he would enter 4th of the ESO and could be examined with his classmates, since, if everything has been adequate in his training, he will have a good level even if he has to adapt to another way of studying and examining himself. Of course, if the child asks for it before or if it is necessary or convenient, it can be integrated into the preschool before that age, at any time.

Another possibility is that the child is registered in another country and enrolled in the CIDEAD (Center for Innovation and Development of Distance Education). Spanish children who are registered abroad, the children of people who must travel a lot for work reasons, itinerants and children who are actors, singers and elite athletes have this recognized right. Therefore, it is an open possibility.

However, it should be borne in mind that the method of study and examination is the usual one in normal school, and not all families can feel comfortable with this if they are precisely looking for another way to approach pedagogy.

The Vocational Training Modules are accessible to these boys from the age of 17, when they can directly enter a middle grade, and at 19 in a higher one. After that, you can continue your studies if you want to go further.

At 18, they can present themselves for free to the ESO exams. One of the claims of the associations of families who educate at home is that their children are not penalized and can access the degree at the same age as the rest of the students, 16 years old.

This, which is not yet possible, I doubt it will be soon. Anyway, those two years of waiting can be very fruitful, if they are dedicated to expanding knowledge in the topics that interest them, to discover their vocation, to learn languages ​​or computer science or simply to grow as people. No hurry. However, if they have an employment contract, they can be examined at 16.

Another possibility is to study a lot of English to examine in the British education system or enroll directly, after taking the entrance exams, to the British University at a distance or in person. From it then you can make the jump to the Spanish.

The English OPEN University does not require prior qualification, but of course you have to know English very well in order to study, which are of proven quality. In Spain at least two students have followed that path.

One solution, in addition, is to enroll in a North American distance school, that there are several, and also have programs for Spanish speakers. Obtaining the degree there and having taken the appropriate subjects you can request and get the validation of the studies, so you would already have the Bachelor's degree in Spain and normally access the University if so decided.

However, and thinking of children up to six years, the situation is much simpler, provided that parents can and want to opt for it. But if we think about this possibility in the long term, knowing that there are many solutions, I think it may be of interest.

There are many possibilities if what worries us is how to access, in the long term if we educate at home, to academic degree. Knowing, for those who are never going to choose this educational option, which is responsible and appropriate for the interests of the child, is also interesting for the standardization of homeschooling.

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