The monsters of new mothers: Mothercare campaign

An advertising campaign that has caught my attention and made me laugh a lot is “Monsters”, from the Mothercare childcare store.

His slogan is "Great harmless monsters of new mothers"and refers to certain childcare articles that first-time mothers (sometimes those who are not and also parents) see as a terrible threat.

For example, the nail clipper is one of the items that have more respect and one of the most scary is, without a doubt, the umbilical cord clamp squeezing the navel of our baby.

The rest of the series of first-time moms Monsters, which have also made me very funny are: the diaper, which although it is difficult for us to recognize changing the diaper for the first time to the baby is a challenge; the breast pump, a device with which I have never gotten along and the intercom, which always seems to us to be broken (don't we know how to use it?).

With regard to fears, which are completely understandable in first-time parents, we comment that we will soon begin to offer in Babies and more a series of posts about the care of the newborn so that the monster of the scissors or that of the navel clamp leave of being seen as a real danger.

In the photo gallery below you can see the fun illustrations of the campaign "Monsters" of Mothercare.

See full gallery »Monsters-Mothercare (4 photos)

Official site | Mothercare

Video: SM BABIES CAMPAIGN 2016 (May 2024).