The chances of pregnancy with in vitro fertilization in Valencia increase by 15%

The Valencian Institute of Infertility (IVI) increase the chances of pregnancy by in vitro fertilization thanks to EmbryoScope, a modern embryo incubator that improves process control from fertilization to transfer to the uterus.

The constant challenge of research related to assisted reproduction is to improve implantation results and prevent multiple pregnancies (one of the side effects of in vitro fertilization for some parents). With the EmbryoScope you can improve in this regard.

Today there are already more than 200 pre-embryos that belong to 40 couples in the incubator. They are the first human embryos that develop in it and the peculiarity is that you can observe the embryo at all times and monitor the first days of development allowing to know the exact moment in which the pre-embryo cell division occurs. This data, which until now was unknown, is what will allow to increase the chances of pregnancy up to 15%, since professionals will know which embryo divides itself in a timely manner and which one does not.

The EmbryoScope has been designed by the Danish company Unisense and although currently only IVI works with it, all IVF laboratories in the world can benefit from its engineering.

"In addition to perfecting the IVF technique, it will allow us to discover new features of the development of the embryo in the incubator, since it determines the oxygen consumed by the oocyte before being fertilized. There are differences in the respiration of the ovules that will help us select those with greater probabilities of success, but without a doubt, one of the great advances of this incubator is that it facilitates us a detailed study of the embryo that we are going to implant, without having to manipulate it ", explains Dr. Marcos Meseguer, scientific manager of the project.

Simply put, with this new incubator and the control it allows on embryos, it is possible to choose the most suitable embryo to be implanted, thus increasing the chances of pregnancy. Undoubtedly, good news for all those couples who are looking for a pregnancy through in vitro fertilization.