Relaxation exercise at home during pregnancy

Our pace of life prevents us from most times finding moments to relax, something that is important during any stage, much more during pregnancy. When we are pregnant it is good to spend some time relaxing at home.

There are various methods of relaxation that are offered by way of workshops away from home, but given the probability that we cannot attend, we will see how to relax at home.

If we feel anxiety during pregnancy, our muscles tense, the heart rate accelerates and our health and that of the baby can suffer. Learning to relax is also a good preparation for childbirth, since relaxation can help us cope with physical sensations during childbirth, as well as being mentally calm.

At the same time, it serves to save energy and not fatigue too quickly once labor has begun.

At home we will wear loose clothing, and we will put ourselves in a comfortable posture, using the necessary cushions and pillows so that our whole body is fully supported. We can place ourselves in bed, on the floor or in a chair.

We will start by hardening the muscles of the feet for a few seconds, and then relax them. We will perform the same process going up the calves, thighs, buttocks, stomach, hands and arms, going up to the face, contracting and relaxing all body muscle groups.

Upon reaching the face, with our eyes closed, we can frown and relax, open the mouth and close it, move the jaws. We will repeat the entire exercise, but now starting from the face and going down to the rest of the body.

At every step we must be fully aware of that part of the body we are working on, focusing on it and leaving the mind blank for everything else. Breathing must be slow, conscious, rhythmic. With your eyes closed, accompanied by soft music, the experience becomes much more relaxing and pleasant.

At the end of the exercise we will feel the body limp, relaxed. It is a good exercise to perform once a day, especially during the final part of pregnancy.

Video: Prenatal Yoga for Beginners, All Trimesters, Weight Loss & Flexibility for Healthy Moms (May 2024).