Choose the sex of the baby with the Baretta method

He Baretta method, designed by the Biochemistry Adriana Baretta, is a resource for those parents who want Naturally preselect your baby's sex.

The author wrote a book entitled Boy or girl? You can now choose, which we talked about a while ago in Babies and more, in which he explains how to achieve it with a 98% success rate.

For three days (three entries) I will briefly explain the most relevant information to learn a little about the functioning of his theories. If someone wants to expand them or carry out the method in question, I recommend reading the book to take into account all the variables that can intervene in the selection.


Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes in each cell. One of these pairs is what determines our sex, XX for women and XY for men.

Since the woman is XX, all ovules of all women in the world have a chromosome that will be, yes or yes, "X". Man instead has an "X" and a "Y", so that his sperm will be divided into those with "Y" and those with "X".

Depending on the type of sperm that fertilizes the egg, the sex of the baby will be XX (girl) or XY (boy).

It has always been believed that the chances of having a boy or a girl were 50% and that the choice was the result of chance, however it has been shown that sperm with different chromosomal loads, X and Y, they are not equal in their physical and chemical characteristics.

In other words, for the election to be the result of chance, the two variables must be identical, and yet they are not.

It is precisely this difference that makes scientists have found a way to separate them with various methods to isolate one or the other. If they were identical, how could they separate?

To demonstrate statistically that conception is not the result of chance, 210 families with three children each were investigated.

  • The probability that the three children of a family are boys is 1/8, that is, 12.5%.
  • The probability that the three children of a family are girls is also 1/8 (12.5%).
  • The probability that at least one of the three children in each family is of a different sex than the other two is 6/8, the remaining 75%.

You can see it more graphically like this:

If the theory of chance works 26.25 (1/8) families should have three boys, another 26.25 (1/8) should have three girls and 157.5 (6/8) should have two children of one sex and one of the other sex.

The results were very different: 73 families had three boys, 69 families had three girls and only 68 families belonged to the category that chance would have made the majority.

This leads us to conclude that the sex of children is not really determined by chance, but that there are factors that affect the selection.

Differences between sperm

The sperm X, on the one hand, is larger, has greater static strength, is slower, more resistant in adverse or acidic conditions and is more durable and "patient."

The sperm Y, on the other hand, is smaller, faster and numerous and requires conditions of minimal adversity, alkaline. He arrives first but dies quickly.

This means that sex can be selected naturally taking into account the mother's diet and the time of conception to ensure that the female internal environment adopts the necessary characteristics to favor the fertilization of one sperm and not the other.

In a few days we will see some advice on food and the time of conception to have children.

Video: HOW TO CONCEIVE A GIRL or boy. Gender Swaying. The Shettles Method (July 2024).