Squat exercises for childbirth preparation

The squatting position helps a lot in childbirth, since it takes advantage of the impulse of gravity so that the baby moves through the birth canal. The squatting exercises during pregnancy They will open the pelvis to the fullest and help to stretch the perineum, the area between the anus and the vagina, in an aid to prevent tearing when giving birth. In addition, it will help the baby to fit into the pelvis

Although this squatting posture is not common in our daily lives, putting it into practice during our pregnancy, especially before the abdomen bulges too much to make it easier for us to start, will make us come to terms with the relative agility to practice it.

At first it will cost a little, and we can sit on a low stool to rehearse the squatting posture. You have to separate your feet well (in line with your hips) and lean forward, keeping your back straight. We will open the knees using the elbows if necessary.

Once we notice flexible joints of the pelvis and feel comfortable in this posture, we can begin to try to support the weight of the body without the help of the stool.


To balance we can use a chair to hold on with our hands. And if we are not able to keep the heels on the floor we can use a rolled blanket or a towel to put it underneath. We can also slightly support (without leaving all the weight) the back on the wall to maintain verticality.

If we practice this squat for a few minutes every day, in the end we will master it, gaining flexibility and balance, achieving all the benefits it reports to us. Including relaxation: once we master the posture, we can take the opportunity to practice breathing exercises that will achieve our well-being.

If our pregnancy is already advanced and the baby has not been placed, we must consult our specialist for the convenience of performing this posture, as there are those who do not recommend it in this case.

Video: Pregnancy Exercise: Squats- How to Squat During Pregnancy, Squat for Birth (July 2024).