Treasury will also return to the parents the IRPF of paternity leave

At the beginning of October, the Supreme Court decreed that maternity benefits should not pay personal income tax but the situation of the parents remained in the air. Today Minister Montero announced that those parents who took a paternity leave since 2014 They may also claim the return of what they paid for personal income tax during their weeks off.

The Supreme Court ruling referred to maternity benefits, so it was in doubt whether it would strictly conform to mothers, or if the judicial decision also included those of paternity.

Waiting for the AEAT form

Thus, while waiting for the Tax Agency to launch the claim form, the parents who have had a paternity leave in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 They may also qualify for the return.

In Babies and more The form for the return of personal income tax is almost ready, although it will only affect 17% of mothers

The way to do both fathers and mothers, will be through an official form that the Tax Agency is finalizing and that it is expected to be underway in the next few days on the website. The Social Security has already sent to AEAT the data on the possible beneficiaries and the idea is that it is an easy procedure and the taxpayers do not have to provide supporting documents, and thus proceed quickly to the refund.

Since the sentence was known, Social Security has stopped deducting the IRPF from the 16-week leave that mothers have, which is expected to be matched with paternity leave that currently has five weeks, will have eight weeks in 2019, until equating with that of the mothers in 2021.

The technicians of the Treasury (Gestha) calculates that the return will amount to 1,200 million euros and would benefit 1.1 million people.

Video: Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin Says Its Unlawful to Give Democrats Trumps Tax Returns (July 2024).