Puertollano Hospital, a "C-section factory"

He Puertollano Hospital He has the dubious honor of having the first place in the ranking of caesarean sections in Spanish hospitals, 55%. We could describe it as a "C-section factory"Something chilling. Is it that the women who go there suffer a strange and pathological inability to give birth vaginally?

No. The problem is not women. The problem is that in this hospital some protocols taken from a horror story are applied, some birth care protocols that ignore all the recommendations of the SEGO, the Normal Delivery Care Strategy and the WHO itself. You can read the complete protocols in this link. WHO is very clear, no caesarean section rate greater than 15% is warranted. Something is happening at the Puertollano Hospital so that they reach 55%. And the reason, its protocols, which you can read here.

The Caesarean section necessary saves lives. But Spanish caesarean section rates are very high and new health strategies are trying to lower them. And it is necessary when there is a placenta previa, a baby placed in full face delivery or an eclampsia. But it is that in the hospital of Puertollano they have very particular opinions on the cases in which the caesarean section is obligatory.

There if you are one primiparous for over 35 years You already have the caesarean section awarded by protocol. It must be that after 35 women can no longer give birth. What you read Any woman who comes up with having her first child over 35 will have a cesarean directly. A barbarity difficult to explain.

The list of causes for Caesarean sections there goes beyond. Once reviewed what is missing me is not that they have a 55% C-sections, but that some parturient gets rid of her.

If they are twins, it is caesarean section. Buttocks, direct caesarean section. If it is premature, caesarean section. If the woman has had a C-section, the doctor may decide to do another directly. If you have had two previous C-sections, direct C-section. If you have sterility problems, the protocols indicate that you can choose to do a cesarean directly. If the mother wishes to be sterilized, caesarean section. If the poor mother has something they call "social problems that indicate so" then you also have to do a cesarean.

The progression of labor should be very, very fast. The delivery cannot last more than 12 hours. The expulsive of more than 45 minutes, must be caesarean section too. Mild fetal distress leads us to the operating room. If you qualify at Puertollano Hospital as a C-section factory It is not by chance.

The rest of the protocol is similar in nature. The bag must be broken to all parturients. Oxytocin for all. All deliveries should preferably be monitored internally.

All pregnant women with three cm will be considered. or more dilation is in labor and must go to the dilation room for control. All deliveries should preferably be monitored internally. Unless the doctor indicates otherwise, they will be dripped with 3 units of Syntocinon at 10 drops / minute, increasing the dose every 20 m. , which will be until effective uterine dynamics is achieved. You will also have amniorresis. "

As is logical of the episiotomy Do not expect to get rid. By protocol, contrary to what WHO says about it, it will be done to all women in their first and second birth. Only in the case of the third birth is it allowed not to perform it although it is strongly advised to do so.

Episiotomies will be made to all the primigestas and segundigestas from the third is at the discretion of the midwife and its practice is advisable. They will always be lateral and never medial.

Of course, the mother will remain under surveillance after childbirth and the separate baby of her in a cradle of heat. They will be separated for no medical reason.

The puerpera will remain in the delivery room for two hours, with a drip of Syntocinón, they will be controlled by the T. Arterial c / 15 or 30 min., And the uterine contraction, any alteration will be communicated to the doctor on call. The R.N. will remain in the cradle of heat.

If you are born by caesarean section, you should be taken to neonatology and there, in a glass room, your family members can see you according to a comfortable visiting hours: from 5:30 pm to 1800 am. The premature onset of breastfeeding is something that is not mentioned even if there is a nursing room.

BOX 1: Here they arrive from paritorium all the income of R.N by caesarean section, premature or emergency. It consists of 5 incubators all with oxygen and air intake, standing display cabinet, 2 infusion pumps, dressing room, baby weighing scale and bathroom. The part that gives to the hall of the UNIT is glazed and with curtains to be seen by their relatives. The visiting hours are from 17,30H to 18H.

The Association on Childbirth is Ours He has denounced this fact and has taken the controversy to the media, with the intention of ensuring that this center immediately adapts its mode of action to official recommendations and respect for patients' decisions.

It should be borne in mind that, if we accept as valid the recommendations for caesarean section rates given by the WHO, 80% of those that have been performed in this hospital were unnecessary. And this is not a fact without consequences. The medicalization of labor without cause and caesarean section increase the suffering of mothers and babies, in addition to incurring an unjustified expense. But above all, it results in these women and their children having serious consequences for their health in the medium and long term.

No woman who comes to Puertollano Hospital He will leave without having his perineum cut by an insane protocol. Many of them will suffer major surgery without medical justification. Their babies will be separated from them, which makes them live their first hours of life in anguish and fear, in addition to having serious difficulties to be able to be breastfed.

Do these women and children have to continue to suffer risks to their physical and emotional health by an obsolete protocol? He Puertollano Hospital has been qualified as a C-section factory. And it has to change.

Video: PresentaciĆ³n proyecto del Nuevo Hospital de Puertollano (July 2024).