"My brother has autism," a story for children to understand this disorder

"My brother has autism " It is a story designed so that children can better understand these disorders. The presence in the family or in the environment of a child with an autism disorder or, in general with a developmental problem, can be difficult to understand and assume.

For children, stories are a fundamental didactic element that allows them to internalize situations and adapt to them more easily than if we simply try to explain them. Above all the central public are the brothers of a child with autism and tries to answer their questions, their doubts and their fears, so that they can understand it. But nevertheless "My brother has autism"It is a pedagogical instrument that will also be very useful for children who share their lives with classmates or relatives with autism, or simply, to better explain our children diversity and show them how to accept it.

The story is aimed at children of 4 and 5 years, but also parents and teachers, presenting in a simple and empathetic way the reality of those who do not behave in a way that we would describe as "normal."

It will also be useful for parents and teachers, as they often ignore this problem thoroughly and find themselves overwhelmed looking for understandable explanations for the little ones.

In addition to "My brother is autistic"There are other stories with similar themes that we will be showing in Babies and more. This problem is increasingly common and we will help children, both those who suffer and those who do not, making it visible and understandable.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).