Smart therapy against childhood obesity

Obesity is one of the most pressing childhood diseases today. It affects 15% of children and does not seem to diminish but on the contrary, it is increasing.

In search of new ways to treat obese children and rescue them from the complications that can be triggered, pioneering solutions such as eTIOBE system (smart e-therapy for childhood obesity) which has just launched the General Hospital of Valencia.

It consists of a tool that allows you to monitor the child's lifestyle, if you have been walking to school, if you have been lying in the chair, how many calories you have ingested and other guidelines that allow the doctor to keep track of the patient's habits.

The system has the advantage of creating a personalized treatment according to the needs of each child. Through sensors placed in his body and complex computer programs, the child can complement his attention in the hospital from the home computer.

But it does not work simply as a “sneak” system of what the child does and does not do, but it also allows direct communication with the doctor while it works as a video game console in the style of the Wii, obviously intended to The child performs physical exercise.

At first glance it may seem that excessive control restricts the child's freedom a little, but as a counterpart it is a great motivation that helps to encourage him and feel somehow accompanied to fight against his illness.