Suicide is the third cause of death of preteens

He Observatory of Child and Adolescent Health, dependent on the children's hospital of Sant Joan de Dèu, in Barcelona, ​​has carried out analysis that collects information from organizations such as WHO or the National Health Survey. The study has focused on the causes of death in children between 10 and 14 years. Although the ages are not where we usually deal in Babies and more I think it is imperative that we be aware of these facts, especially since it is up to us to change the trend.

And the third cause of death in developed countries, after traffic accidents and leukemia, is the suicide. In addition, one fifth of those under 14 suffer from depression, anxiety, behavioral problems or hyperactivity. And the figures are believed to be going up.

In a single Hospital, the one that makes the study, four or five children enter the psychiatry a week, and the psychiatric emergencies increase due to stress, adaptation problems, depression and hyperactivity.

What is going wrong in our society? What are we doing to the children? They have all their needs covered but the anguish and stress They hold them. We saw recently how many of them are and feel alone. We must be aware of these serious problems and act. And for those of us with young children, it is very important to work on prevention and demand from society alternatives that do not steal the happiness To the men of the future.

Video: Officials: discuss suicide early with teens and preteens (July 2024).