The pets of the future: Hello Kitty robot

There are still (fortunately) enough years for this type of robots that serve as helper-companion-pet be installed in homes in a generalized way. But what it seems we will not get rid of in that future is to have as pets all kinds of popular characters.

I don't know if I'll see it, but I bet that children's favorite fashion superheroes and the most requested children's characters They will also become robots and will be very successful in homes with children. Because currently, as we usually see in the news, many robots are already created, we also experiment with this type of model.

Who would succeed now in its metallized and robotized version? Well, among many others, Spiderman, the Teletubbies and, of course, Hello Kitty. The Hello Kitty robot has just been presented at a domestic robot fair in Tokyo.

The company that created it together with 3 other robotics producing companies have announced the creation of a town hall that joins forces to develop the robot consumer market.

In this, as in almost everything, the boys and girls will have a lot to say, and they cannot leave them out of their commercial focus. In any case, I hope that the animals that warmly beats the heart do not disappear from homes that want pets ...

Video: Zoomer. How to Play with your Zoomer Kitty! (July 2024).