'My beautiful Mommy', to love mom after surgery

In our blog White Paper companion we find an amazing book that can give us what to think. It is a work that aims to familiarize the little ones with plastic surgery.

It's not about forming future scalpel talents, but rather the purpose of the work, titled 'My beautiful Mommy' ('My wonderful mom') is that children understand that their moms will not be different after aesthetic operations, but simply more beautiful.

"My beautiful Mommy" is published in the United States by an important children's educational book publisher,is that even in the love of moms you have to educate? Do parents not leave room for improvisation for any point of our children's emotional development? Do we think they are dumb? Who are we guided by trusting these "manuals"?

The author of the work is a plastic surgeon, Michael Salzhauer, and the first thing that comes to mind is that it is a useless work, with an absurd purpose apart from filling author and editorial pockets. Useless except maybe for subtract some remorse from parents who feel that other things are more important than their children.

Also, seeing some fragments, we realize that he treats children as stupid. It is sad to laugh while seeing those cartoons in which a (by the way super) mother He tells his daughter about the changes that will be made by the scalpel... In the end we see that not only the intelligence of children is despised but also of parents.

Even in the supposed case that the physical transformation was so great that it could involve trauma to the children, it seems to me that common sense is enough to minimize "damage." Well, what the hell, now that I think about it, if there is a risk that it could be a trauma for my daughter ... for the moment I leave my nose as I have it.

I say, give what to think. What kind of parents suspect that their children would stop loving them after a cosmetic surgery operation? As Paolo says on Blank Paper, the same ones who at 16 gave silicone implants to that girl who agreed with this book as a little girl that retouching was the most wonderful thing in the world. Beauty is no longer inside.

By the way, although the work seems to forget it, neither that of the parents.