High figures of caries among Spanish children

Dental caries and periodontal disease have been listed by the World Health Organization as the third health calamity in the world. It is estimated that 90-95% suffer from this disease. These days I have read several news related to the percentage of Spanish children suffering from cavities, and I think they are to make us reflect on whether we are offering good oral health to our children.

According to pediatric dentistry societies, in conclusion to the survey on 'Oral Health in Preschool in Spain in 2007, the 26.2 percent of children under 4 years old and at least 17 percent of those 3 years old have cavities.

Regarding the oldest, about half of the Spanish children of 12 years (47 percent) have cavities, Apparently for not brushing enough teeth, according to data from the survey on oral health in adolescents that have been offered today at the International Expodental Salon of Ifema, a figure that increases to 60 percent when they reach 15 years of age. In addition, within the group of younger children, those under 4 years old, there are between 2.7 and 5.4 percent who "are seriously affected by this disease in most of the teeth of their mouth."

To avoid these figures, according to professional associations, parents are advised to initiate oral health measures since they are babies, cleaning the gums and the tongue of the little ones after all the shots with a moistened gauze, and taking the sin the dentist as soon as the first teeth begin to come out, to carry out an "effective prevention" and guide them with some advice on eating.

Video: 5 Spanish Words that are Impossible to Translate (May 2024).