Switzerland takes overweight and childhood obesity seriously

Overweight and childhood obesity are problems that the country of the Alps wishes to tackle, the numbers continue to increase in all European countries and this is a situation that must be addressed as soon as possible. Switzerland, specifically the Federal Sports Office of the country, intends to expand the current youth and sports program which until then was intended for those over 10 years old, to children from 5 years old.

As we have mentioned on several occasions, it is essential to introduce children to healthy habits and lifestyle as soon as possible, it is much easier and the little ones accept it better than when they are older. The fight against overweight and obesity is an issue that some countries take much more seriously, especially when they see how the numbers get fat every day, never better.

According to Swiss experts, the number of obese children in the country is growing faster than in the United States and that there is childhood obesity a real problem with alarming growth figures. At the moment, in almost 30 years childhood obesity has quintupled in Switzerland and the Federal Office of Sport (OFSPO) has proposed to take more effective measures, so it has been requested to include an additional hour in which children perform physical activities in schools and education centers. This news contrasts with that bad decision that we announced in August, adopted by the Catalan Ministry of Education in which they intended to reduce the hours of physical activities in Catalan schools. The Swiss action is consistent with what we announced in the post, the EU asks to increase the hours of physical education in schools. The European parliament is aware of the situation and therefore approved a petition to EU colleges and institutes to provide three hours of weekly physical education on a mandatory basis.

Returning to the decision of Switzerland, as the specialists say, we cannot remain impassive in the face of the problem and we must begin to act not only with information campaigns, and although for now it is only one more hour of physical exercise, its effects will be noticed. Switzerland asks the parents of the country to get involved in the exercise of their children and not allow problems such as overweight and obesity, aspects that impoverish quality and life expectancy.

We hope that Spain will also adopt more decisive solutions to reduce the problem, this epidemic is also growing alarmingly in our country and it does not seem that much is done about it.