Caesarean section for no reason can harm the baby's respiratory health

On some occasions we have talked about caesarean sections and the increase in their practice, there are many specialists who indicate that they are not recommended and much less when they are not necessary. Now we know a research published in the electronic journal British Medical Journal in which we show that A caesarean section performed without cause may impair the baby's respiratory health.

According to specialists, the risks of suffering respiratory problems in the baby are quadrupled by comparing vaginal deliveries with deliveries performed by caesarean section. The reasons are really unknown, but the researchers consider some theories and believe that possibly the lack of hormonal activity and all those changes that occur during the time of delivery are the responsible causes. In a normal delivery, the body of the future baby reacts to the rupture of the membrane by increasing the level of catecholamines (various substances such as norepinephrine, adrenaline or dopamine), these substances are responsible for stimulating the baby's respiratory function, something that in a cesarean delivery may not occur.

For the new study, data were taken of about 34,000 babies born between week 37 and week 41. The respiratory health study of each was carried out, indicating which babies were born by vaginal delivery or by caesarean section. Other risk factors that can cause the baby's respiratory health to be altered were also identified, such as the mother's smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. The results leave no doubt, various problems such as pulmonary hypertension or distress (acute and severe alteration of the structure and secondary pulmonary function) among others, increased as soon as the cesarean section was performed.

There are several studies that show various risks for fetuses in deliveries performed by caesarean section, all the information should be used so that mothers who wish to have their child by caesarean section should reconsider if it is worth it. Specialists indicate that caesarean section should be performed only when there are medical reasons that prevent a natural birth and never for other reasons.

Health workers are already taking note, it seems that caesarean sections are being reduced. Advancing childbirth by choice is not beneficial, the baby's health is seriously jeopardized, something we do not think mothers want for their children.