Nutritional supplements with coffee for children?

On some occasions we can learn news that surprise us, like this one, an American company and a Mexican coffee cooperative in the state of Chiapas (Mexico) have had a “brilliant idea”, provide children with folic acid and iron nutritional supplements with coffee.

The idea is to distribute this new coffee among schools as an altruistic aid to fight against child malnutrition that exists in this Mexican state. It really is a very absurd plan that the only thing it shows is a method of recruitment for future consumers. Nutritional needs are met with food, juices, etc., but never with coffee and less when there are no studies showing that this drink does not negatively affect children.

It follows that they intend to provide coffee supplements to children from a very young age. Of course, there are studies that show that coffee is not recommended for children because it is an excitement capable of producing different disorders that would affect their behavior and their proper development. We are in favor of those who have criticized this new initiative and clearly understand that it is a spoiled propaganda campaign.

Discoveries are continually being made around the properties of coffee, some indicate benefits, other prejudices, but all the studies that can be performed are not valid and the reason is very simple, just as medicines affect children and children differently. adults, it happens with coffee.

Video: Should Youngsters be Drinking Coffee? (July 2024).