Footballers, and any father, should get up at night to take care of their children

The statements of journalist Juanma Castaño in the program La Cope's great match they lit the fuse: he said that "football players cannot get up at night to take care of their children".

Referring to how a bad dream physically affects them, the journalist argues that footballers "also live off their rest" and when it comes to childcare at night, it is an issue that "they have to manage differently."

Sorry? (head movement included) Are soccer players the only parents who need to rest at night? So a surgeon, a miner or an engineer does not need to sleep well to perform the next day? And the mothers? They also deserve to rest. The care of the children is joint responsibility of both parents, day and night, have the profession they have.

The reactions were swift

Just say it, his teammates snapped "but what do you say!", Although the journalist did not back down and repeated: "That a player cannot get up at night!".

In Babies and more Dad, you also count: get up also when the child cries at night

Social networks were flooded with criticism of the journalist's leg, although there was also some support. It seems that he is not the only one who thinks that taking care of children is not for them.

In Spain, athletes have to sign anti-pregnancy clauses in contracts and cannot be mothers, but for @Janmacastano's scoundrel the problem is that "footballers have to get up at night to take care of their children" Mh591P44vB

- Fonsi Loaiza (@FonsiLoaiza) October 4, 2018

To take an argument from his words, a Twitter user brought to light an interview of a top-level athlete, the tennis player Roger Federer, who says that even when he plays tournaments he sometimes sleeps with his four children in the same room. And if you don't mind, "they are things that happen."

Greetings to Juanma Castaño from Roger Federer.

- Fernando Cardenete @Worlds (@fercardenete) October 4, 2018

Childcare is a matter of two

When you become a father, you already know that your sleeping hours will be drastically reduced, that the next day you will have dark circles and that you spend a season of resting little and nothing. Whatever profession you have, it is something you assume when you have children.

There are still those who believe that getting up at night is a matter for mothers, and more if she does not work outside the home. Of course, comments like that of the journalist do not contribute to promoting joint responsibility of the parents for whom so much is fought. Today, in many couples both work and need to rest at night, and even if one of them does not work, caring for children is a matter of two. Not because one brings the money home ceases to be a father from 10 to 8.

In Babies and more When you find out that other parents don't get up at night to take care of their children because "they work and mom doesn't"

It is true that footballers can afford to have someone who takes care of their children at night if they prefer, and they sleep soundly. But there are also those who choose to take care of their children themselves and get up when the children cry or wake up at three in the morning. These are the reasons for being parents who assume themselves even though we are not like a rose the next day.

Each couple will decide in privacy if they take turns, or if one of the two takes over one night because the other needs to sleep to play a game the next day, for example. But it is something very personal that each couple decides. From there to say on the radio that the players should not get up at night to take care of the children there is a stretch. So yes, footballers, and any father, should get up at night to take care of their children.

Video: Cristiano Ronaldo: The Story Of His Childhood (July 2024).