How the baby's room should be according to feng shui

The colors, materials and location of the furniture are some of the basic aspects of feng shui, Chinese philosophy based on the harmony of spaces.

Monica Koppel, author of “Feng shui for children” book, provides some tips to keep in mind to prepare the baby's room, the place of the house where more hours will pass per day.

According to feng shui, the child's intimate environment is vital to his success in life. That is why the room, being the environment that replaces the womb should provide the same security, comfort, warmth and be very cozy.

Consider that the best time to start preparing the baby's room is around the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy.

It is essential that the room receives natural light and has good ventilation. Then the first thing is to choose the walls, for which water-based paints, natural fibers and solid wood with natural finishes are recommended avoiding agglomerates and synthetic varnishes.

As for colors, the best ones are neutral ones such as habano, crude, corn and beige that transmit harmony and tranquility as well as green if the natural light of the room is good. For its part, the white color is too cold and yellow too excitable.

As well as the selection of colors, it is also important the arrangement of furniture and toys, which should not cram the room because they take energy away from the baby. Therefore, there should also be no stuffed animals inside the crib but it is better for the baby to sleep with the headboard cleared.

The author of the book says that the crib should be placed in such a way that the baby never sleeps with the feet towards the door because "it steals energy and makes it irritable." Nor should it be placed under a window.

For feng shui, less is more. Therefore it is preferable to choose simple furniture and avoid those that make cleaning difficult as well as accessories such as carpets as they trap soil and cause allergies.

Wood is the best element for the children's room during their first years of life because according to the expert "promotes activity, concentration, initiative and creativity." Without a doubt, the best choice is a wooden crib.

He also recommends paintings with animals or clowns as they favor sociability, as well as curtains, crib protector and bedspread of natural fabrics that do not trap dust.

It is also essential to keep the room clean and tidy to circulate the air.