Breastfeeding represented in art

Breast milk is the best food that can be offered to a baby, not only for its nutritional value, but also for the emotional approach that is established when the baby is placed in the breast.

Breastfeeding is a biological act present in all cultures and at all times. This form of feeding is conditioned in large part by the culture, aspect that can be observed in the pictorial representations that have as protagonist the act of breastfeeding.

These representations can give us an idea of ​​the social, religious, ideological convictions about breastfeeding at a given time.

Surely, because art is an aesthetic mirror of reality, the first human baby was fed breast milk. So says Marisa Correia Hirata in her article "Iconography and breastfeeding", where he makes an iconographic analysis of Tintoretto's work (Renaissance, 1577-78) "The origin of the milky way", in which he makes a beautiful metaphor between the splashing of milk and the beginning of life, inspired by the Greek myth of the power of the milk of Goddess Hera.

I loved the analysis of the work that you can read completely on the Health and Care Web.

Video: Breastfeeding & Low Carb Keto Diet - Intermittent Fasting to Lose Baby Weight. Ashley Salvatori (July 2024).