Cases of childhood hypercholesterolemia increase

Some children may have high cholesterol and it is not strange, the main cause is feeding, obviously. This is childhood hypercholesterolemia, a growing problem among Toledo children who register new cases every year. But not only in the children of this population, we mention them with respect to the news that we link.

Up to a hundred children must be treated in the health centers as a result of the hypercholesterolemia they suffer and in addition, about 10% of pediatric consultations carried out in Toledo are expressly due to excess cholesterol.

Remember that cholesterol acts since the child is in the neonatal period, moreover, breast milk contains certain amounts of cholesterol. We talked about this last year in the post, Children with high cholesterol, in it we gave the amounts of cholesterol that the child's blood should present, the types of cholesterol, etc. The little exercise done, diets rich in saturated fats, in short, bad habits that all they can provide are health problems in our children and that we as parents should try to stop. It is necessary to follow the medical recommendations regarding children's diet, as we know, excess childhood cholesterol will cause children when they are in adulthood all kinds of problems and complications affecting their quality of life.

It is still necessary to place greater emphasis on the part of parents, institutions, agencies, etc., to try to reduce the serious problem of overweight and obesity, factors that are very involved in the cholesterolemia that children may suffer.

Video: Familial Hypercholesterolemia (July 2024).