In Spain there is a lack of child psychiatrists to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

One of the problems we can find in Spanish health is the lack of child-youth psychiatrists who adequately care for children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In most cases, it is specialized adult psychiatrists who treat children.

It is quite outrageous this situation that should be contemplated by the health of our country as it is a disorder that affects a good number of children, however, in the rest of European countries they do have specialists who adequately treat children. For several years, the creation of the subspecialty of child-youth psychiatry has been claimed by various groups, however, it seems that those responsible for the ministry turn a deaf ear to a just claim. The draft "Strategy on Mental Health in the National Health System" was recently approved, but the creation of the specialty mentioned above was not contemplated.

How will they be able to treat children suffering from the disorder? Well, just as they have done so far, with professionals who are not specialized in dealing with children. The steps that have been taken in Spain should be thanked exclusively to hospital professionals who have created specific units in health centers, but it is not enough, it is necessary to create the specialty to have better qualified psychiatrists. Then there is abuse in the diagnoses for hyperactivity or the disorder is not detected early.

Recently a group of parents with children who have this disorder have sent a letter to the Ministry requesting the creation of this specialty again, does the Minister of Health know that specialized staff is necessary? What do you expect to allow its creation?

We find it totally incomprehensible and more when the number of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is between 4 and 8% in our country, certainly an important number.

Video: Adult ADHD: Mayo Clinic Radio (July 2024).