More elderly than children: on why young people do not have more children

Although it has been trying to raise awareness about the issue, it is still deaf.

The news says that the UN again expresses its concern about the aging of the world population.

With specific data, he stated that for the first time in history in 2050 the number of elderly people will exceed that of children.

Europe takes the worst part, as it is the continent with the oldest population. The percentage of the elderly represents 21%, and that of children, 15%.

As long as the birth rates remain so low in Europe, the situation has no remedy.

But the big question is why in Europe do we not want to have children or have more children? I would say that more than not wanting, we cannot.

If we take into account that labor discrimination of mothers is increasing, and child support, at least as far as Spain is concerned, is ridiculous, that very little money is allocated to family policy and a long list of etc. How we do?

Accessing a home before the age of 30 is a miracle, which means that we have children at increasingly advanced ages, and therefore also fewer children. I wonder, how do they want us to form families with that panorama?

Although many young people prioritize their desire to be parents and get ahead as they can, the situation does not allow them to support more than one child, or at most two. But becoming a large family is only for the brave, and some would say even unconscious.

It is not for always blaming governments, but I think the system does not allow young people to have more children.

We need measures that enhance birthrate, and really, they don't make things too favorable for us.

Video: Why China Ended its One-Child Policy (July 2024).