Should cameras be mandatory in kindergartens?

It has been a while since the storm unleashed by the Diario De program broadcast by Telecinco that denounced an aberrant situation of child abuse in a nursery in Madrid.

We have gone crazy and even shed tears for the brutality of the images, but as is often the case in these cases, they tend to fall into oblivion waiting for solutions when the same could be happening in some other daycare center.

I think that in the days after the program was broadcast, many parents have not been able to avoid looking at our children's teachers with some distrust, although the day before we would have put our hands on the fire for them.

It was inevitable. In short, our children spend 6 to 8 hours a day in the nursery where we do not know what they do and how they treat them at all times.

What would be the solutions to this terrible problem?

There are two types of solutions. On the one hand, more control in the hiring of staff that must be absolutely suitable and be psychologically trained to work with children.

On the other hand, without a doubt from my mother's point of view, the cameras in daycare centers should be mandatory.

When I was looking for a nursery school for my girl, I visited one that had this system. There were two cameras in his class and in the dining room that could be accessed via the internet with a personal password.

For obvious reasons, there were no cameras either in the bathroom or in the class area where children are changed.

There are those who believe that it would be too much control, that threatens the privacy of children, where are we going to end if we allow that, blah blah blah.

Maybe they are part of the reason but in the case of the safety and well-being of our minor and defenseless children, I prefer excessive control to be mistreated with impunity by unpredictable beings, that by the way, hopefully end up in jail.

Video: State lawmakers want kindergarten to be mandatory (July 2024).