How to make a crib for your baby

It is a practice that has fallen into disuse, but there is still a romantic father who houses the idea of make a crib for your baby with your own hands.

But, even if you had your best intention, would you know how to do it?

You can get inspired by seeing some models, but if it is the first cradle you make, it is preferable to go to the simplest model.

I have seen in Consumer a fairly easy explanation on how to make a crib, to which a dose of imagination and completion details will have to be added.

Also in Easy to do there is a step by step to make the cradle with details on how to make the assembly, the most complicated part.

The first thing to know is that you need a solid wood such as pine or beech.

Then, that a cradle is formed by five parts: the two sides, the two headboards and the bed base. And that the standard measure is 120 x 60 cm.

From there, each one displays his imagination. Another fundamental part in the assembly of the furniture is the separation between the bars that must have exactly the same measure so that the work is well finished.

With a little skill and good intention you can dedicate yourself to DIY while waiting for the arrival of your baby.

Tomorrow will give you great satisfaction to see him sleep in the crib that you have made with your own hands.

If you already consider yourself an expert you can take a look at these plans (somewhat old) to make a colonial-style crib and a hanging cradle that are now so fashionable. The latter seems nothing complicated.

If you have already done any and want to share it with us, we will be happy to send us your explanation.

Video: How to Build a Crib for the Nursery! DIY Woodworking (June 2024).