11 books to educate our children in autonomy and responsibility

Autonomy gives children self-confidence. It makes them aware of their abilities and accept their limitations, trust their skills, feel safe, know loved ones and be independent. In addition, the development of habits of personal autonomy affects attitudes, personality and also the development of self-esteem, responsibility and socialization of children.

But, How can we help parents build their self-esteem and responsibility? On some occasions we have talked about exercises and games, but today we want to present a series of titles whose reading can help us to face this plot of raising our children.

A basket of cherries

This book, written by the author Alba Castellví, presents seven stories for adults and children to enjoy together in autonomy and responsibility education. They are stories designed so that children like them, so they can identify with the protagonists, to have fun with their stories and to make them reflect.

At the end of each story, there is an educational guide for fathers and mothers with educational reflections and a small conversation guide. In the latter, ideas appear that help to talk with children about the different values ​​that appear in the stories.

We can find it on Amazon for 14.20 euros.

Educate without shouting

It is not uncommon that sometimes we feel frustrated because the bed of our children still does not do, because they do not fill the agenda of the school year, or because they pass for the umpteenth time over a toy lying on the floor without picking it up.

It is clear that the examples cited are complicated situations that often exhaust and despair parents. However, it is important to turn that frustration into opportunity, and to offer children alternatives to screaming so that they grow in autonomy, security and freedom. And this book, written by Dr. Laura Monge, offers us the keys to it.

Available at La Casa del Libro for 18.81 euros.

Educate with common sense

Javier Urra, psychologist and pedagogue therapist, gives you the necessary keys to train your children with intelligence, emotional balance and values, and describes in a simple way their needs at all times: health, behavior, fears, games, sexuality; It also offers useful criteria for each stage of its development, with the opinion of professionals in the education system.

Available on Amazon for 9.45 euros.

Educate without anger

With this manual written by the psychologist Ángel Peralbo, specializing in family therapy, they intend to offer emotional self-control guidelines to parents, so that they learn to educate their children without anger or frustration.

Because we already know that parents are a mirror for our children, so by managing our emotions in their education we will be contributing to raising happy, autonomous, safe and confident children.

Available on Amazon for 7.60 euros.

How to foster responsibility

This book, written by the pedagogue Jesús Jarque García, belongs to the "School of Parents" collection and contains keys and advice addressed to all parents who want their children to be responsible and autonomous in the daily future.

Available on Amazon for 14.77 euros.

Improve self-esteem

And from the same collection as the previous title, but written by the psychologist Carolina Narbón de la Villa, in this book we will know the influence that parents exert on children's self-esteem, as well as guidelines to encourage it from an early age.

Available on Amazon for 14.77 euros.

100 Montessori activities

Montessori pedagogy promotes independence, self confidence and concentration of the child. This book, written by the author Evè Herrmann, exposes the essential ideas of Montessori pedagogy and proposes activities to accompany and awaken in the child the understanding of the world, and to help take care of himself and his environment, promoting his autonomy and responsibility .

Available on Amazon for 12.30 euros.

Dare with your childhood!

This practical manual, written by the teacher Maite Vallet, offers us a series of guidelines to help us with the education of our children so that they grow up happy and safe. How to strengthen its autonomy? How to help you grow autonomously while enjoying your childhood?

Available on Amazon for 17.10 euros.

The affirmative brain of the child

From the bestselling authors "The Brain of the Child", Siegel and Bryson give us this time a series of instructions, advice and activities to encourage the child's curiosity, intellectual abilities, emotional balance, responsibilities, empathy and autonomy.

Available on Amazon for 8.45 euros.

Train him for life

The educator Cristina Gutiérrez presents this book full of practical cases, with tips to educate our children in responsibility and autonomy. It contains very specific ways of putting emotional education into practice, which often remains in theory and is essential if we want to train our children so they know what to do with their lives.

Available on Amazon for 15.20 euros.

Discovering Matías

Claudia Bruna, a coaching specialist for parents, offers us this training guide to gradually generate new habits in the relationship with children. It is intended for children of all ages.

Through its numerous and varied exercises, the different coaching skills and tools that are used to connect with children and discover their abilities and talents are put into practice, thus helping their autonomy and responsibility.

Available on Amazon for 18.05 euros.

Photos | iStock

A basket of cherries: Seven stories to grow (Compilatories of today's stories)

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Educate with common sense: Everything you need to know so that you and your children are happy (KEY)

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