Sleep outside the house

Depending on the environment and customs, there are children who are used to Sleep outside the house, in the house of uncles, grandparents, etc., everything depends on the character and sociability that the child presents conjugated, of course, with the approval of the parents.

But we have been talking about people who are family and in whom we have a certain confidence. What if the child asks us to sleep one night at his friend's house? Everything will depend on the impression and confidence that the parents of the friend give us to give our consent.

In the case that the parents say yes, immediately we have as a general rule to give a lot of rigorous advice such as, behave well, be kind, obey the parents of your friend, do not break anything, have careful, etc. But these tips are given both to know the news and accept their wishes and when we are ready to leave at the friend's house. The truth is that in our parenting task we can become military sergeants by providing our recruit with instructions to follow to the letter.

All the recommendations we make are important, but it is also important how to make them so that the child assimilates them properly, so, it would be preferable to speak naturally, for example, when we are preparing the bag with pajamas, the toothbrush , etc., we will discuss the things that you should do and how you should behave so that you have a good time and can stay more times to sleep at your friend's house, and all this in a calm and explanatory way, not authoritarian.

We must not forget to tell the host parents how our son sleeps, what customs he has, what he likes to eat, etc., so that they can treat the child with more familiarity and the night away from home is a rewarding experience for him.

Video: Rain Downpour Outside Patio Window - 8 Hours Heavy Rain for Sleep, Study and Relaxation (July 2024).