How dilation is measured in labor

Two weeks ago, when they sent me rest, they told me that I was two centimeters dilated. Forty days before the birth date, and in the case of the second baby, the delivery could be triggered prematurely if it continued with the normal rhythm of life.

The gynecologist did not use a centimeter or a ruler to measure dilation. The method that doctors use to measure it is through vaginal touch.

They introduce the index and middle fingers until they reach the cervix, ajar them as if it were a compass and "eye of a good cubero" with the help of practice determine in a few seconds how many centimeters we have dilatation.

It is not a painful procedure, but it is a bit annoying. The first five centimeters of dilation are the ones that demand more time. Even, as in my case (especially in women with more than one child), dilation can begin a few days before delivery.

Once exceeded five centimeters, the dilation accelerates rapidly to 10 or 12 cm to allow the baby's head to pass.

In the second phase of dilation the bag tends to break, if it has not happened before. But in some cases it can reach the full dilatation.

Video: All About Vaginal Exams! Cervical Dilation, Expert Tips & More! (July 2024).