Choose the sex of the baby with a pre-pregnancy diet

An Argentine biochemical expert named Adriana Baretta says that a pre-pregnancy diet guarantees the baby's sex choice. According to Baretta, the diet in the days before the management is fundamental in determining the sex of the future baby, according to her, the greater consumption of calcium and magnesium-rich products favors the procreation of girls, while the sodium and potassium of boys, but apparently everything depends on the frequency and quantities consumed.

Adriana Baretta has made these statements in the presentation in Madrid of her book ¿Boy or girl? You can now choose. The author clarifies that despite the skepticism that the method can generate her claims are based on case studies, in which success has been close to 100%. The expert says that the method is a combination between the use of specific diets and the control of menstrual cycles, since it has been shown that the moment closest to ovulation favors the procreation of children, while 48 hours before the favor Gestation of girls.

This could be an answer to hundreds of couples who are wondering how to conceive a child of a sex that is depressed, so it seems interesting to read the book ...

Video: Healthy Pregnancy 101 (July 2024).